Health Homeschool: Brain Boost
January 19, 2023 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
$6 per child for members / $12 per child non-members

Health Homeschool: Brain Boost
5-12 years old
The PlayHouse offers STEAM Homeschool classes in which students explore careers related to science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. Hands-on activities included!
Join the Peoria Playhouse for a fun and interactive homeschool class where children will explore topics related to the human body. Advance registration is required. Classes will be held at the Bonnie Noble Center from 2pm-4pm.
Third Thursday of the Month: 2pm-4pm
- January 19th: Brain Boost
- February 16th: Teeth To Treasure
- March 16th: Happy Heart
- April 20th: Eye Look, Eye See
For questions about this program, please contact Jen Stubbs at 309.323.6896 or